At Playworld, we understand that inclusive playground equipment creates an accessible world for children of different abilities. Everyone, including children with disabilities, children who are typically developing and the adults in their lives, should have access to inclusive playgrounds. And we help you make those spaces a reality.

For decades, we've recognized the power of play and the value of diversity. We understand how inclusive play equipment enables and inspires children of all abilities and ages to play — both on their own and with their peers. We also know how essential play is for all kids to grow and develop.

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We have developed a variety of learning tools to
help you through the design process:

Inclusive Play
Design Guide

Learn about products, spaces and the foundations of designing for inclusion.

Inclusion Brochure

Learn more about the variety of equipment offering different levels of challenge and sensory experiences for all abilities.

The Importance of Inclusive Playgrounds

Play provides developmental opportunities for children, and playgrounds give them the space to explore and interact with their environment. When play spaces are not inclusive, they bar children with disabilities from opportunities for experiencing emotional, intellectual, physical and social development. Give kids of all abilities the chance to have fun and grow with inclusive playground equipment.

When you create inclusive playgrounds, you show children and the adults in their lives that you want everyone in on the fun. Playworld will help you get that message across with inclusive playground equipment.

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How to Design Inclusive Playground Equipment 

Partnering with Playworld makes it easy to design an inclusive play space. Playground equipment manufacturers must adhere to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. At Playworld, we meet those standards and go beyond. The result is equipment that keeps children of varying mobility, emotional and intellectual needs in mind.

There are many accessible elements you can incorporate into your playground. At Playworld, we create inclusive components like wheelchair-accessible structures with wide pathways and parts. That allows children who use wheelchairs and other medical assistance devices to play comfortably. We also offer stainless steel slides. These components create play areas for children with cochlear implants who can't use plastic slides due to the electrostatic discharge (ESD) risk.

When designing your playground, include sensory-rich activities to promote engagement. Cater to multiple levels of physical and intellectual ability for the most inclusive play space, and differentiate zones by putting like equipment together. Remember to enclose your playground with a fence and use a unitary, shock-absorbing ground surface. These measures help keep all children safe and ensure mobility for those who use wheelchairs or other assistance devices.

We combine accessible playground elements and unique features to create innovative structures and components kids of all capabilities will enjoy. With highly durable materials and several safety certifications, you can trust the inclusive playground equipment from Playworld.

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8 Keys to Inclusion


Additional Resources on Inclusive Play

Interested in learning more about inclusive playground equipment? Here are additional sources to get you started:

  1. Need a guideline for designing your inclusive playground? Check out our 8 Keys to Inclusion resource sheet.
  2. Looking for certification as an Inclusive Playground Designer? Take our inclusive play training course, which explores aspects of inclusive design in detail. Find it here.
  3. Have a group to train? Hold 45-minute lunch and learn sessions on inclusive design. We bring the training to you, and we even give you CEU credits. Find inclusive play training opportunities here.
  4. Have a question? Send an email to our Inclusive Play Desk, and we will get you an answer within two business days.
  5. Want to work with a certified representative in inclusive play? Find one in your area today.

Enroll in Our Training Program

We certify our distributors.

Our distributors go through extensive training to be certified as an Inclusive Play Specialist. They can be a resource for you.

Note: There’s an ongoing debate in the autism community over the use of identity-first (autistic person) and person-first (person with autism) language. Playworld understands that the choice is a highly personal one, especially for individuals in the autism community. Since there is no language that fits both sides of the debate, Playworld uses a combination of person-first and identity-first language.